Employer Wellness Programs for Insurance Companies & Benefits Consultants

HealthWell Solutions partners with Insurance Companies and Benefit Consultants to manage their clients’ employer wellness programs to support employee wellbeing and help reduce health care costs. When selecting a vendor partner, benefit consultants typically face a number of challenges including the following:

Challenges for Benefit Consultants & Insurance Companies

HealthWell Solutions approach

Your clients’ programs are not being used

Customized programs that are personalized for each individual client

Client support is time consuming

Trusted partner with experienced client management team

Attaining measurable results for your clients’ wellbeing program

Solutions that are evidence-based which allow documentation of outcomes

Ineffective programs

Flexible tools that meet your clients’ needs

Limited budget

Incorporating local resources

HealthWell Solutions integrates your clients’ resources to support the products and benefit design that you recommend. We also have a flexible platform to allow incorporation of client resources and third-party vendors.

Once Size does Not Fit All - Customized Employer Wellness Programs
employer wellness programs for benefit consultants & insurances